1. Terms and definitions used

1.1. Service - an automated service on the Internet at wildexchanger.com , the services of which can be used by all Clients using a special interface (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

1.2. Client - a natural or legal person who, upon concluding this agreement, gives his consent to use the services of the Service on its terms.

1.3. Electronic currency - a unit that is used if exchange transactions are made in electronic form. They indicate the scope of rights of claim or other rights that are provided for by the contract of electronic settlement systems and customers of their services.

1.4. Payment system - a system for accounting for Electronic currency, mutual settlements between clients.

1.5. Payment - transfer of Electronic currency, which is transferred by the sender to the recipient"s account.

1.6. Application - information in electronic form, which is formed by the Client using the means of the Service. This data is a confirmation of the Client"s desire that he wants to use the services of the Service under the current conditions, which are contained in the Application parameters.

2. General provisions

2.1. This agreement establishes the rules of relations between the Client and the Service within the framework of the services that the latter provides to all users.

2.2. This agreement does not cancel the current legislation of the state where the Client is registered and located, as well as the agreement concluded between him and the electronic settlement system.

2.3. This agreement is valid under the terms of a public offer, by which the Client accepts the Application as an integral part of this agreement.

2.4. The validity of this agreement between the Client and the Currency Exchange Service begins immediately after the latter forms an Application for an exchange operation.

2.5. The agreement is terminated if the details provided by the Client receive Electronic currency in the amount specified in the Application formed by the Client, or when it is canceled.

2.6. This agreement has the same legal force as the written form of the contract.

2.7. The Service has the right to make changes to the system of discounts and partner remuneration unilaterally without sending a notification to the Client. But the current version of the deduction system must be published on the website.

2.8. The Service has the right to make changes to this agreement unilaterally without sending the User a notification about it. However, the version that is up-to-date must be published on this page.

3. Subject of the agreement

3.1. When submitting an Application using the technical means of the Service, the Client gives an order, and the Service, acting on its own behalf for a fee, accepts and further transfers the amount of the Electronic Currency specified by the Client in the Application to the address of the person or persons who want to purchase the Electronic Currency in an amount that is not less than the amount of the Application formed by the Client.

4. Terms of Service

4.1. When processing the Client"s Application, the Service strictly adheres to the privacy policy , uses measures to prevent money laundering and illegally obtained, as well as operations that violate the requirements of applicable law.

4.2. The Client orders the services of the Service, manages the transaction and receives information about its execution using the interface of the Service.

4.3. The Service records transactions with Electronic Currency in accordance with the regulations and rules of electronic settlement systems.

4.4. If the Service has completed the operation on the Application, which was formed by the Client, then the latter does not have the opportunity to cancel it.

4.5. If the Client did not transfer the Electronic Currency within 20 minutes after the Application was confirmed by the Service for the details that were provided, then the latter, without notifying the Client unilaterally, terminates this agreement.

4.6. In case of different amounts (received to the details of the Service and specified in the Application), the Service does not fulfill the application and refunds the funds to the account from which they were received, or recalculates at the rate fixed in the application. If there are delays not due to the Service, then he is not responsible for them.

4.7. If the equivalent of the Electronic Currency is not sent within 24 hours from the beginning of this agreement to the Client"s account, and the Service has no objective reasons for blocking the funds, the Client may demand the cancellation of the Application and the return of money.

4.8. The Service has the right to engage third parties in order to fulfill its obligations.

4.9. The Service has the right to cancel the operation that is being performed and return the Client"s funds without explaining the reason.

4.10. The Service has the right to terminate the service of the Client if it violates any clause of this agreement. The Service notifies the Client about this by phone or sends an email. The account is blocked, all Applications will also be blocked.

4.11 In any case, when a refund is made, a commission of 5% is withheld, except for clause 9.8.

5. Privacy Policy

5.1. In order to carry out the operation, the Service receives the personal data of the Client. The Service undertakes to ensure their storage in encrypted form, not to disclose or transfer to third parties. The exceptions are the cases provided for by this agreement.

5.2. For operations with Applications and the transfer of personal data by the Client to the Service, an encrypted SSL channel is used, where the key has a length of 256 bits.

5.3. The Service has the right to independently collect additional data about the Client, if necessary. In this case, any available methods can be used. The collected data cannot be disclosed, transferred to third parties. The exceptions are the cases that this agreement contains.

5.4. The Service has the right to transfer the Client"s personal data and details of the operations that it performs, if their confidentiality is maintained, on its own initiative, based on a court decision, based on an official request in writing to the Client to whom they belong, or to law enforcement agencies.

5.5. The Service has the right to transfer details of the Client"s operation and personal data related to it, based on an official request from the Electronic Settlement System, in order to conduct internal investigations.

5.6. The Service, for 5 years from the moment its last Application was completed, stores all user data and details on the operations that the Client performed.

6. Anti-money laundering and illegal operations

6.1. The Service, in compliance with the requirements of international law, applies procedures that prevent its use in order to launder money obtained illegally, as well as conduct other illegal operations.

6.2. All Client Applications must meet certain requirements set by the Service in order to prevent illegal transactions, in particular:

6.2.1. The Client cannot create an Application using an anonymous proxy service or other anonymous Internet connection.

6.2.2. The Service cannot be used to transfer money to a third party. The sender and recipient of the Application are one person.

6.2.3. When filling out the Application, the Client must indicate relevant and reliable personal data.

6.3. Measures used by the Service to prevent illegal operations:

- Using a system that within the Service allows you to analyze the operations and behavior of the Client, payments that the Service considers suspicious are blocked.

- Using all available means to verify the data that the Client has provided.

6.4. The Service has the right to block the Client"s account and all open Applications until it provides copies of documents that prove his identity, the source of origin of the Electronic Currency and other data that allow you to verify the operation if:

- Identified violations of the requirements of clause 6.2.

- The Fraud Prevention System stopped the Application.

- The Service reasonably suspects that the Client is attempting to use its services to launder money or carry out other illegal operations.

The Client is obliged to provide the document requested by the Service within 7 working days from the moment of the request, or must cancel his Application.

If the user does not provide the documents requested by the Service, then the latter may refuse to serve the Client in the future, and also act as stated in clause 4.10 of the agreement.

6.5. The Service may not serve the Client in the future, as well as apply the measures of clause 4.10, transfer all data about its operations to law enforcement agencies if:

- Operations that are carried out for money laundering, financing of terrorist activities, fraud, as well as operations that violate the law and the rights of others have been identified;

- The Service has a reasonable suspicion that the document identifying the identity of the Client is fake or invalid.

- the authorized bodies reported that the client has Electronic currency or finance, other information, due to which the Client cannot use the services of the Service;

- actions or attempts to commit them by the Client were identified in order to affect the operation of the Service;

- identified actions or attempts to commit them on the part of the Client in order to steal the database, other tangible or intangible property that belongs to the Service;

- actions or attempts to commit them by the Client are identified, due to which any harm to the operation of the Service may be caused.

6.6. The Service may use any means to verify personal and other data provided by the Client.

7. Liability of the parties

7.1. Services of the Service are available 24/7. It works to ensure that users can make transactions without interruption at any time.

7.2. All services of the Service are described on its pages, there are no additional guarantees.

7.3. Starting to use the services of the Service, the Client agrees that the responsibility of the Service is limited to the Electronic Currency, which is accepted from the Client in order to fulfill the subject of this agreement. There are no additional guarantees on the part of the Service, there is no additional responsibility. The Client also has no additional liability to the Service. The exception is cases that are contained in clause 7.9 of this agreement.

7.4. The service makes every effort to access its services 24/7, but does not guarantee this. If access to the site and the services of the Service is impossible for the Client, then the Service does not assume responsibility for any kind of costs of the Client (losses, lost profits, etc.).

7.5. If there are delays, errors, failures of electronic transfers or bank payments, the Service does not assume responsibility for any types of costs, including losses, lost profits.

7.6. In the presence of subjective factors, including erroneous expectations of the Client on the tariffs of the Service, the profitability of the operation, etc., the Service does not assume responsibility for any types of costs of the Client.

7.7. If the Client made a mistake in the details to which the money must be transferred, then the Service is not responsible for all the consequences and damage arising from this.

7.8. When using the services of the Service, the Client is solely responsible for paying taxes, the amount of which is provided for by the current laws of the country where he lives. The Service is not a tax service, therefore, its duties do not include notifying the Client about tax payments when using the services of the Service.

7.9. Indemnify the losses of the Service if claims or claims are brought that are directly or indirectly related to the use of the Services by the Client. The exception is losses if the errors were made by the Service itself intentionally or through negligence.

7.10. The Client guarantees that he is the legal owner of the amount of Electronic Currency used for the transaction, or has legal grounds to dispose of it.

7.11. The Client guarantees that he will not use the Service to conduct fraudulent and illegal transactions. The Client agrees that any attempt to exchange Electronic Currency obtained by fraudulent means is subject to prosecution in accordance with applicable law. Any actions of the Client are considered illegal if they contradict the laws of the country where he is located.

7.12. The Client undertakes not to interfere with the operation of the software and hardware parts of the Service, not to disrupt its normal operation. In the event of such actions, the Client will be prosecuted. If such cases are identified, the Service suspends the execution of the application, acts as prescribed in clause 6.5 of the agreement.

7.13. The Client agrees that the protection of the content of the Service website is provided by the legislation on the protection of property rights, intellectual property, copyrights. If it is used unauthorized, it is contrary to the requirements of applicable laws.

7.14. If the cause of delays or failure to fulfill the obligations assumed is force majeure (natural disaster, fire, flood, terrorism, change of power, civil unrest) or problems in the operation of electronic payment systems, lack of electricity, the Internet, then neither the Client nor the Service are responsible .

7.15. Electronic payment systems and banking institutions are responsible only for the funds entrusted to them by the Client. The Service does not act as a party to the agreements between the Payment System and the financial institution that the Client enters into with them. Therefore, it does not answer in any way if the Electronic Settlement System is used by the Client incorrectly or unlawfully, the Client abuses their functions. These relationships, the rights and obligations of the parties are governed by the relevant agreements.

7.16. The Client guarantees that at the time of interaction with the Service he has reached the age of majority, in accordance with the laws of the country where the Client is located.

8. Acceptance of claims and resolution of disputes

8.1. In the event of disputes and disagreements between the parties to this agreement, negotiations between the Client and the administration of the Service are held to resolve them. The basis is the provisions of this agreement. The Service can accept from the Client any claims under this agreement in electronic form. To do this, the Client needs to state the essence of his claim and send it to the Service"s e-mail (this information is available on the " Contacts " page).

If disputes and disagreements cannot be resolved through negotiations, then the requirements of the current legislation at the place where the Service is registered shall apply.

9. Features of identification of the Client"s personality

9.1. In order for the Client to gain access to the services of the Service, it is required to go through the identification procedure.

9.2. To provide access to its services, the Service may request the following data:

- full name of the Client;

- information about the citizenship of the Client;

- series, number and other data of the Client"s passport;

- information about the date and place of birth of the Client;

- information about the places where the Client is registered and actually lives;

- contacts: telephone number, e-mail, postal address, etc.;

- photo of internal and/or foreign passport;

- selfie of the Client (the owner of the document), who holds the document in his hand, confirming his identity;

- a photo of the payment document for utilities, where the Client"s home address is indicated, if the identity document does not contain data on the place where it is registered;

- other personal data, which may be in a different volume or format, if the Service considers that they are needed to fully identify the Client"s identity.

9.3. All the data that the Client provides, the Service will use to verify his identity, identify the consequences of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraudulent transactions and other criminal acts of a financial nature, using the services of the Service, its resources.

9.4. When collecting, using and transferring the Client"s data, the Service ensures their confidentiality.

9.5. The Client agrees to keep a record of all data received during the entire time the account is active, as well as for 5 years after its closure, which is provided for by the requirements of international standards regarding the storage of personal information.

9.6. If the Client passes the identification, then his duties include independent monitoring of the relevance of the data, their updating and correction in the personal account or through communication with the administration of the Service.

9.7. When going through the identification procedure, the Client agrees that the Service can conduct any data research that it considers necessary. This may also involve a third party.

9.8. All wallet addresses to which the Service transfers funds are automatically checked by AML. The Service may request that the Client be verified if the wallet address that he provided when filling out the Application is associated with the Darknet Marketplace, Darknet Service, Fraudulent Exchange, Illegal Service, Mixing Service, Ransom, Scam, Stolen Coins. If links with such services are identified, after the Client is verified, the Service returns the E-currency to the sender"s details (minus a 10% commission).